Podcasting Workshop
Podcasting for Health Professionals Education
This is the landing page for the Podcasting for Health Professionals Education workshop.
Previous sessions and other content:
Previous sessions and other content:
Podcasting and Digital Education: What Educators Need to Know.
Podcasting and Digital Education: What Educators Need to Know.
OHSU Grand Rounds Slides, video
Pediatric Podcasts: Growth of an Educational Medium in Medicine
Pediatric Podcasts: Growth of an Educational Medium in Medicine
MedEd Podcasting: Why Do We Listen and What Works?
MedEd Podcasting: Why Do We Listen and What Works?
Social media curriculum:
Social media curriculum:
Dr. Patrick's Podcast episode on podcast production as part of social media curriculum
Fleeting fad or durable innovation grand rounds:
Fleeting fad or durable innovation grand rounds:
Chris Chu's grand rounds Video